Assessment of Changes in Cyliary Muscle in Patients with Hypermetropy Using Mathematical Modeling Methods

A. G. Shchuko, E. T. Novozhilova, O. I. Rozanova, L. F. Sholokhov
2019 Acta Biomedica Scientifica  
Background. Age-related decline in accommodation in patients with emmetropia, myopia and hyperopia is characterized by multidirectional changes in the thickness of the ciliary muscle and the configuration of the inner apex of the ciliary body. The structural and functional state of the ciliary muscle and its individual components and the patterns of their change with age in patients with hyperopia remain little studied.Aim: to study the structural and functional state of the ciliary muscle and
more » ... ts components in patients with hyperopia using mathematical modeling methods.Methods. 110 patients (220 eyes) with axial hyperopia were examined. The first group consisted of patients aged 18–30 years – 20 people. The second group consisted of 80 patients aged 45–65 years. The control group consisted of 30 healthy volunteers aged from 18 to 30 years. All patients underwent ultrasound biomicroscopy, on the basis of which a spatial-mathematical model was created using the ImageJ software package.Results and conclusion. In patients with hyperopia, in the aging process there is a transformation of the ciliary body and the restructuring of its muscular components. Structural irido-ciliary relationships in young patients with emmetropia and hyperopia significantly differ in the location and configuration of the inner apex of the ciliary body, the degree of emphasis on the circular portion of the ciliary muscle.
doi:10.29413/abs.2019-4.4.17 fatcat:glt6vtakbra3rjjp3qgdznjoky