A radiation hybrid map of 40 loci for the distal long arm of human chromosome 8

T B Lewis, L Nelson, K Ward, R J Leach
1995 Genome Research  
We generated a panel of 97 radiation hybrids from the cell line GMI01S6B, which contains only human chromosome 8 in a Chinese hamster ovary cell line background. Statistical analysis of the cosegregation of markers in the 97 radiation hybrids was used to construct a physical map delineating the order and intermarker distance of 40 8q24 loci. Twenty-one loci were ordered with maximum likelihood ratios greater than 1000:1. A high level of consistancy was seen between our RH map and the published
more » ... enetic map, suggesting that our panel will be a valuable resource for the rapid mapping of markers derived from human chromosome 8. 334 ~ GENOME RESEARCH 5:334-341
doi:10.1101/gr.5.4.334 pmid:8750193 fatcat:yn7wxztggfdjxjprymfpjrgcie