Simulation Model for Prediction of Transient Performance Characteristics of Single–Phase Shaded Pole Motor

Vasilija Sarac, Tatjana Atanasova-Pacemska
2016 Journal of Electrical Engineering  
Paper proposes mathematical model of single phase shaded pole motor suitable for analysis of motor dynamic behavior. Derived mathematical model from d–q reference frame theory is applied at motor simulation model. Derived simulation model enables analysis of transient performance characteristics of motor currents, speed and electromagnetic torque under different operating regimes. Obtained results from the simulation are compared with data from analytical calculations based on method of
more » ... cal components and data from experiment for the purpose of verification of the simulation model. Simulation model is useful for studying the effect of parameters on motor starting and running characteristics at different types of loads.
doi:10.1515/jee-2016-0037 fatcat:zlsq5enqnjdwlf4kdliqpfd7py