Development of micro-structured metamaterials for innovative antenna layouts

Filiberto Bilotti, Filippo Capolino, Ramon Gonzalo, Ekmel Ozbay, Jordi Romeu, Alex Schuchinsky, Sergei Tretyakov, Yiannis Vardaxoglou
2007 2007 European Microwave Conference  
In this paper, we present the joint activities developed in the frame of the FP6 European Network of Excellence METAMORPHOSE in the field of new micro-structured materials for antenna applications. One of the key scientific goals of the research efforts developed within this network is to design innovative micro-structured materials to improve the performances of conventional radiators. Miniaturization, multifunctionality, reduced interference with electronic circuitry, are some of the main
more » ... lenges in the design of antennas for the next generation of electronic transceivers in the microwave frequency range. The employment of different classes of metamaterials in innovative antenna layouts has been demonstrated to be effective to reach most of the desired goals. The theoretical, numerical and experimental efforts carried out by the leading European institutions working in this field, in fact, show how metamaterial antennas with unusual features are ready to push the innovation in the antenna research. The collaborative dimension of this research is described in this paper, as well as the related scientific achievements.
doi:10.1109/eumc.2007.4405238 fatcat:apmznffq4ffozbec7ge3zqcxri