A-Review-on-Design of fixture.pdf

Laukik Raut
2016 Figshare  
In machining fixtures, minimizing workpiece deformation due to clamping and cutting forces is essentialto maintain the machining accuracy. The various methodology used for clamping operation used in different applicationby various authors are reviewed in this paper. Fixture is required in various industries according to their application. This can beachieved by selecting the optimal location of fixturing elements such as locators and clamps. The fixture set up for component is donemanually. For
more » ... that more cycle time required for loading and unloading the material. So, there is need to develop system which canhelp in improving productivity and time. Fixtures reduce operation time and increases productivity and high quality of operation ispossible.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.4487534 fatcat:x3nwk5n3xnea5frg6h6s2m2y3y