Treatment of the infected wound with exposed Silver-ring Dacron graft and delayed skin transplant covering

Dragoslav Nenezic, Simon Pandjaitan, Nenad Ilijevski, Predrag Matic, Predrag Gajin, Djordje Radak
2005 Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Lekarstvo  
Although the incidence of prosthetic infection is low (1%-6%), the consequences (limb loss or death) are dramatic for a patient, with high mortality rate (25%-75%) and limb loss in 40%-75% of cases. In case of Szilagyi's grade III infection, standard procedure consists of the excision of prosthesis and wound debridement. Alternative method is medical treatment. This is a case report of a patient with prosthetic infection of Silver-ring graft, used for femoropopliteal reconstruction, in whom an
more » ... xtreme skin necrosis developed in early postoperative period. This complication was successfully treated medically. After repeated debridement and wound-packing, the wound was covered using Thiersch skin graft.
doi:10.2298/sarh0502069n pmid:16053180 fatcat:3pssg5vhave3zilxozxbrn55mu