Nonlinear photonic structures for all-optical deflection

Tal Ellenbogen, Ayelet Ganany-Padowicz, Ady Arie, Richard M. De La Rue, Ceferino López, Michele Midrio, Pierre Viktorovitch
2008 Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices VIII  
We present a new type of photonic structures in quadratic nonlinear materials that enable efficient and continuous all-optical deflection. The structures are based on two-dimensional modulation of the nonlinear coefficient and consist of a set of symmetric or anti-symmetric arcs that form a periodic pattern in the propagation direction and a chirped pattern in the transverse direction. Stoichiometric lithium tantalite structures were tested by second harmonic generation. Varying the pump
more » ... gth from 1545 nm to 1536 nm resulted in continuous angular deflection of the second harmonic wave up to ~2.3°. Continuous deflection was also obtained by varying the crystal temperature at a fixed pump wavelength.
doi:10.1117/12.780808 fatcat:iykiba5nsjbv7lhvba6fk5ehia