Clinical Trial Participant Willingness and Influencing Factors Study of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Ni Ding, Huiping Chen, Qianqian Ji, Mengting Hu, Xiang Gao
2021 Open Journal of Nursing  
Objective: The study was conducted to understand the situation of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) to participant clinical trials and to analyze the factors affecting the clinical trial participation of patients with IBD. A clinical experiment guidance will be proved by this study to maximized the benefits to patients and to help the clinical trial to conduct successfully. Method: An anonymous questionnaire was designed and was administrated to the patients with IBD who were
more » ... ly delivered in the inpatient or outpatient departments. The survey result was analyzed. Result: Total 372 available questionnaires were returned. Among these patients, 26.3% patients with IBD indicated willingness to participate, 57.3% indicated a situation dependence, and 41.04% indicated unwillingness. Among the potential factors that may influence the patient's willingness to participate the clinical, trusted physician's recommendation, no proved drugs to use and accessing to free medication to release financial burden were statistically significant. Conclusion: The overall willingness of IBD patients to participate in drug clinical trials is not high. Among the patients who are willing to participate in clinical trials, the main reasons for their participation are that they trust doctors' recommendation, can get free medication and examination, and can reduce the economic burden. Efficacy and safety were the main influencing factors in patients who were case-dependent and unwilling to participate in clinical trials.
doi:10.4236/ojn.2021.118057 fatcat:ca2p7blvr5hnpozvbv46l7c3jq