First insights of soybean stem fly (SSF) Melanagromyza sojae control in South America

Luis Eduardo Curioletti, Jonas André Arnemann, Dionei Schmidt Muraro, Adriano Arrué Melo, Clérison Régis Perini, Lucas de Arruda Cavallin, Jerson Vanderlei Carús Guedes
2018 Australian Journal of Crop Science  
The occurrence, distribution, and intensity of damages caused by Melanagromyza sojae on soybean fields in Brazil and Paraguay indicate the need of information regarding the effect of insecticides and mode of applications to its control. The aim of this study was to evaluate insecticide applications at soybean sowing and during the early soybean stages to control M. sojae. Two experiments were carried. In the 1 st experiment, 12 insecticides were applied at sowing as a seed treatment (ST) or in
more » ... he sowing furrow (SF) and combined with presence or absence of foliar spray (FS) of insecticides at 18 and 28 days after soybean emergence (DAE) in a factorial scheme. In the 2 nd experiment, 17 insecticides were sprayed foliar at 10 and 22 DAE. Control efficiency of M. sojae was assessed on experiment 1 at 22, 28 and 38 DAE and on experiment 2 at 22 and 38 DAE, by counting the number of larvae, pupae, and damaged plants and length of galleries. The results evidenced the need of a specific management for this pest and recommended application of insecticides such as: Chlorantraniliprole (ST), Imidacloprid + Bifenthrin (ST), Fipronil (ST), Imidacloprid (ST) and Thiamethoxam (SF) at sowing, combined with the foliar spray until 10 DAE of Chlorpyrifos, Thiametoxam + Lambda-Cyhalothrin, Thiodicarb, Bifenthrin and Imidacloprid + Beta-cyfluthrin. The foliar spray should be repeated at least once in an interval shorter than 10 days, to protect soybean plants during the most vulnerable development stages to the attack of M. sojae.
doi:10.21475/ajcs.18.12.05.pne1201 fatcat:a7lnulrs7rbpfi3tinetkelgnm