Norm attaining operators and norming functionals

Russell G. Bilyeu, Paul W. Lewis
1982 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society  
The question of whether a countably additive measure with values in a Banach space attains the diameter of its range was unresolved. In this paper an example is given of a countably additive vector measure, taking values in a C(K) space, for which the diameter of the range is not attained. A property stronger than the attainment of the diameter, but which is possessed by many measures taking values in L-spaces, is shown to fail for infinite-dimensional measures into a space having smooth dual.
more » ... s an application of the concept of norming functional (the existence of which is equivalent to the attainment of diameter), a characterization is given of the countably additive measures into space having smooth dual.
doi:10.1090/s0002-9939-1982-0652451-7 fatcat:fakl4zs6efhfvfxvfokw7a64dm