D = 11 SUGRA as the low energy effective action of matrix theory: three form scattering

Jan Plefka, Marco Serone, Andrew Waldron
1998 Journal of High Energy Physics  
We employ the LSZ reduction formula for Matrix Theory introduced in our earlier work to compute the t-pole S-matrix for three form-three form scattering. The result agrees completely with tree level D=11 SUGRA. Taken together with previous results on graviton-graviton scattering this shows that Matrix Theory indeed reproduces the bosonic sector of the D=11 SUGRA action including the Chern-Simons term. Furthermore we provide a detailed account of our framework along with the technology to
more » ... any Matrix Theory one-loop t-pole scattering amplitude at vanishing p^- exchange.
doi:10.1088/1126-6708/1998/11/010 fatcat:cksgbtxhxbdvjcca6wbh7p7dp4