Onsager's reciprocal relations for electroacoustic and sedimentation: Application to (concentrated) colloidal suspensions

S. Gourdin-Bertin, C. Chassagne
2015 Journal of Chemical Physics  
In this article, the relations for electroacoustic phenomena, such as sedimentation potential, sedimentation intensity, colloid vibration potential, colloid vibration intensity/current, or electric sonic amplitude, are given, on the basis of irreversible thermodynamics. This formalism allows in particular to discuss the different expressions for concentrated suspensions found by various authors, which are of great practical interest. It was found that some existing expressions have to be
more » ... ed. Relations between the electrophoretic mobilities assessed by the different experiments are derived. C 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. [http://dx.
doi:10.1063/1.4921375 pmid:26001472 fatcat:6zlgu7n4ifdtvj3mghhmmhsrom