Superconductivity at 28.3 and 17.1 K in (Ca4Al2O6−y)(Fe2Pn2) (Pn=As and P)

Parasharam M. Shirage, Kunihiro Kihou, Chul-Ho Lee, Hijiri Kito, Hiroshi Eisaki, Akira Iyo
2010 Applied Physics Letters  
We have successfully synthesized (Ca4Al2O6-y)(Fe2Pn2) (Pn = As and P) (Al-42622(Pn)) using high-pressure synthesis technique. Al-42622(Pn) exhibit superconductivity for both Pn = As and P with the transition temperatures of 28.3 K and 17.1 K, respectively. The a-lattice parameters of Al-42622(Pn) (a = 3.713 Å and 3.692 Å for Pn = As and P, respectively) are smallest among the iron-pnictide superconductors. Correspondingly, Al-42622(As) has the smallest As-Fe-As bond angle (102.1 ) and the largest As distance from the Fe planes (1.500 Å).
doi:10.1063/1.3508957 fatcat:z6j7zd4fdfhifo5mbkx3tbclta