The study of validity and reliability of the perceived value scale of prospective teachers in terms of teaching profession

Demir Engin, Budak Yusuf, Gologlu Demir Cennet
2017 Educational Research and Reviews  
The aim of this study was to develop "Perceived Value Scale in regard to Teaching Profession of Prospective Teachers ". The validity and reliability analysis of the scale, developed for prospective elementary school teachers, was performed. In order to determine the values of the teaching profession, first of all, the related literature was scanned and an essay about the values related to the profession was written by the elementary school teachers and prospective teachers. In this way, 75
more » ... s in regard to teaching profession were determined. The obtained values were asked to be ranked according to their significance by primary school teachers and prospective teachers and a likert scale consisting of 64 items was prepared for 10 values that are most significant. After receiving expert opinions on scale items, 491 prospective teachers were applied and analysis was performed with findings .According to the analysis results, the Kaiser-Meyer Olkin (KMO) sample suitability was found as 0.847. In order to determine the reliability of the scale, Cronbach Alpha internal consistency indexes were calculated. The internal consistency index (Cronbach Alpha) of the scale was found as 0.899. Varimax vertical rotation method was used to determine independent sub factors of the scale. The lower cut-off point of the factor loads is taken as 0.45. It was found that the scale consisting of 8 factors and 40 items, explained 58,674% of the total variance. Findings suggest that the "Perceived Value Scale in regard to Teaching Profession of Prospective Teachers" is a valid and reliable measurement tool that can be used to determine the perceived value of the teaching profession of primary school prospective teachers.
doi:10.5897/err2017.3252 fatcat:5wauwqtvzzdzpjgn3bhhswsq5m