Do atmospheric aerosols form glasses?

Bernhard Zobrist, Claudia Marcolli, D.A. Pedernera, Thomas Koop
A new process is presented by which water soluble organics might influence ice nucleation, ice growth, chemical reactions and water uptake of aerosols in the upper troposphere: the formation of glassy aerosol particles. Glasses are disordered amorphous (non-crystalline) solids that form when a liquid is cooled without crystallization until the viscosity increases exponentially and molecular diffusion practically ceases. The glass transition temperatures, T g , homogeneous ice nucleation
more » ... ures, T hom , and ice melting temperatures, T m , of various aqueous inorganic, organic and multi-component solutions are investigated with a differential scanning calorimeter. The investigated solutes are: various polyols, glucose, raffinose, levoglucosan, an aromatic compound, sulfuric acid, ammonium bisulfate and mixtures of dicarboxylic acids (M5), of dicarboxylic acids and ammonium sulfate (M5AS), of two polyols, of glucose and ammonium nitrate, and of raffinose and M5AS. The results indicate that aqueous solutions of the investigated inorganic solutes show T g values that are too low to be of atmospheric importance. In contrast, aqueous organic and multicomponent solutions readily form glasses at low but atmospherically relevant temperatures (≤230 K). To apply the laboratory data to the atmospheric situation, the measured phase transition temperatures were transformed from a concentration to a water activity scale by extrapolating water activities determined between 252 K and 313 K to lower temperatures. The obtained state diagrams reveal that the higher the molar mass of the aqueous organic or multi-component solutes, the higher T g of their respective solutions at a given water activity. To a lesser extent, T g also depends on the hydrophilicity of the organic solutes. Therefore, aerosol particles containing larger ( 150 g mol −1 ) and more hydrophobic organic molecules are more likely to form glasses at inter-
doi:10.3929/ethz-b-000012566 fatcat:izt7iw5evzbbpn2p3fgprmqo5q