Çağatayca Sıra Dışı Bir Hâl Eki Kullanımı

Feyzi ÇİMEN-
2020 Turkish Studies - Language and Literature  
The usage of case suffixes instead of each other has been an evident situation since the Old Turkish within the history of Turkish language. Even though it is hard to conclude these usages for certain. The possible reasons of uncertainity can be listed as; the relativity of the structure and function (to relate and make connection between verbs and nouns with different functions), influence of foreign languages, reflecting the features of local language to the literary work by the subscriber,
more » ... rmation types of suffixes and shortening of the suffixes. One can encounter unique usage of case suffixes which were not encountered before in diverse texts and dialect collations. The cases that are accepted as a standard today, a case category in these text styles may be observed. These styles are also important in order to understand the category of cases. The late period Kelile and Dimne translation of Chaghatay that was copied in 1882 contains an extraordinary usage of case suffix. In this text the usage of accusative instead of genitive and vice versa. Thus the equivalance can be derived as: accusative= accusative; accusative=genetive; genetive=genetive; genetive=accusative. In this article, it will be investigated that if this type of usage of the suffix is alternately or a grammar incident because of the non-absolution of the suffix's function. The examples of these suffixes appeared hundreds of times in a vast volume which were investigated and this grammatical incident's occurrence will be tried to be linked to cause and effect relation by taking the general Chaghatay grammatical rules into consideration.
doi:10.29228/turkishstudies.39442 fatcat:s3ffsgi6mjhqjea5zhaihm22qa