Development and Application of Smart Geogrid Embedded with Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors

Zheng-fang Wang, Jing Wang, Qing-mei Sui, Xun-mei Liang, Lei Jia, Shu-cai Li, Shi-de Lu
2015 Journal of Sensors  
Smart geogrids embedded with fiber Bragg grating (FBG) for reinforcement as well as measurement of geotechnical structures have been developed. After the fabricating process of the geogrids is detailed, finite element (FE) simulations are conducted to analyze the strain distribution of geogrids and the strain transfer characteristics from geogrids to fiber optic. Results indicate that FBG should be deployed in the middle of the geogrids rib to make sure that uniform strain distribution along
more » ... FBG. Also, PVC protective sleeves, which are used to protect fiber optic when integrated with geogrids, have smaller strain transfer loss than nylon sleeves. Tensile experiments are conducted to test strain measurement performance of proposed geogrids, and the results demonstrate that proposed smart geogrids have good linearity and consistency. Temperature experiments show that FBG embedded in geogrids has higher temperature sensitivity, and the temperature induced error can be compensated by an extra FBG strain-independent sensor. Furthermore, designed smart geogrids are used in a geotechnical model test to monitor strain during tunnel excavation. The strain tendency measured by smart geogrids and traditional strain sensor agree very well. The results indicate that smart geogrids embedded with FBGs can be an effective method to measure strains for geological engineering related applications.
doi:10.1155/2015/108209 fatcat:bjpekjuhhzf3pg6mfoxouv2yn4