TECHsex: Youth Sexual Health and Relationships Online (Preprint)
James Lykens, Molly Pilloton, Cara Lynn Silva, Emma Schlamm, Kate Wilburn, Emma Pence
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance
According to a 2015 report from PEW Research Center, nearly 24% of teens go online almost constantly and 92% of teens are accessing the internet daily. To explore the sexual health information-seeking behaviors and sexual relationship building practices of youth online. In addition, young people also turn to the web for sexual health resources and romantic relationship building. This drastic increase in accessibility and feasibility has changed the way young people are able to access
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... , build relationships, and socialize. An examination of the unique relationships young people have with their sexual health and relationships online and the implications for adolescent health programs has yet to be fully explored. Objective: Although there is a growing concern for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and healthy romantic relationships among young people, many programs continue to neglect online spaces as locations for health interventions. Little is known about the online sexual health practices of young people, including digital flirting and online dating. This data provides information relevant to youth sexual health at the emergence of social media tools and online dating, which provides insights into youth behavior and intervention opportunities. Methods: Through January and December 2016, the TECHsex study used a mixed-methods approach to document informationseeking behaviors and sexual health building behaviors of youth online in the US. A national quantitative survey of 1,500 youth and twelve qualitative focus groups (66 youth) were triangulated to understand the experiences and desires of young people as they search for sexual health information online and begin building their sexual relationships through social media, online chat, and online dating. Results: Sixty-two percent of young people throughout the US reported using the internet, most notably Google, as a source for sexual health information. At the same time, respondents most often reported a doctor, nurse, or clinic to be the single most effective way to learn about sexual health (30%). Young people are not only turning to online resources for sexual health information; they are also using the internet to begin sexual relationships with others, including dating, online flirting, and "hooking up", with 34% of young people reporting the use of online dating apps and 70% having met a partner they met online in real life. Conclusions: While youth are turning to the internet for sexual health information, they are also turning to online spaces to build sexual relationships. Sexual relationship building included online flirting and online dating websites and/or apps. These findings have implications for sexual health, risk, and implementing future programs interested in enhancing youth sexual health. We implore researchers and organizations to consider the relationships young people have to technology for these sexual health purposes and implement these platforms to create successful and youth-centered programs. Conclusions: Youth are turning to online spaces to build sexual relationships, particularly in areas where access to peers is limited. Although online dating site usage is somewhat high, many youth turn to social media for online dating. Sexual relationship building included online flirting and online dating websites and/or apps. These findings have implications for future sexual health interested in improving the sexual health outcomes of young people. Researchers may be neglecting to include social media as potential sources of youth "hook up" culture and dating. We implore researchers and organizations to consider the relationships young people have with technology in order to more strategically utilize these platforms to create successful and youth-centered programs to improve sexual health outcomes.