Convergence through packet-aware transport [Invited]

John Wei, K. K. Ramakrishnan, Robert Doverspike, Jorge Pastor, Luis Aguirre-Torres, Charles Kalmanek, Thomas Afferton
2006 Journal of Optical Networking  
We provide a comprehensive description of the Packet-Aware Transport Network (PATN) architecture first introduced in [IEEE Commun. Mag. (3) 120 (2004) ]. The PATN architecture provides a more efficient transport of data services such as Ethernet and IP than traditional time-division multiplexing-(TDM) centric access network architectures. The PATN architecture builds upon several emerging technologies and improvements in silicon processing to seamlessly converge multiple network functions onto
more » ... single platform, optimize network utilization, and reduce operating costs. The PATN architecture is also designed to support all existing TDM voice, private line, and data services. To validate this architecture we implemented a comprehensive test bed that provides a microcosm of local, metro, and long-distance transport networks. We describe this evaluation methodology and present experimental results of key aspects of the PATN.
doi:10.1364/jon.5.000221 fatcat:2zvpjixc35dh7aolko777rbzem