Status of the AMoRE experiment

Hyon-Suk Jo
2017 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
The goal of the Advanced Mo-based Rare process Experiment (AMoRE) is to search for neutrinoless double beta decay of 100 Mo using low-temperature detectors consisting of molybdenum-based scintillating crystals read out via metallic magnetic calorimeters. Simultaneous measurements of heat and light signals are performed at mK temperatures, which are reached by using a dilution refrigerator. A pilot experiment, named AMoRE-Pilot, using five 100 Mo-enriched, 48 Ca-depleted 40 Ca 100 MoO4 crystals
more » ... ith a total mass of about 1.5 kg, has been running in the 700-m-deep YangYang underground Laboratory. The current setup and status of the AMoRE experiment are presented.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/888/1/012232 fatcat:am4ga22bcjbc7bvhydf44otlki