Behaviour of trailing vortices in the vicinity of the ground [chapter]

G. Pailhas, X. de Saint, Y. Touvet
2002 Laser Techniques for Fluid Mechanics  
The aim of this experimental study is to analyze the mean velocity field and the turbulence occuring in the core of counter-rotating vortex pair in the vicinity of the ground. This experiment constitutes the second stage of a previous one the objective of which was to give a general view of a vortex pair close to the wall ; it has been conducted in the THALES water tunnel fitted with a moving belt on the test section floor. In this way, the simulation of ground effect has been undertaken. A
more » ... e-dimensional component laser Doppler Anemometer has been used to measure the three components of the velocity and every component of the Reynolds stress tensor in an YOZ plane perpendicular to the direction of the flow.
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-08263-8_19 fatcat:cmmczlr5hrhg3l7tgoptjfkvve