Explaining The Mass Discrepancy In Galaxy Clusters

Karan R.Takkhi
2017 Zenodo  
Galaxy clusters and mass discrepancy blend and dwell together quite harmoniously. Mass discrepancy is always stumbled upon when galaxy clusters are studied. The orbital velocities of galaxies within galaxy clusters are unusually higher than expected and the observable baryonic matter alone cannot account for all the mass and gravity for the overall observed stability of the cluster. The presence of additional matter in the form of dark matter is required to explain the gravitational stability
more » ... such high velocities as baryonic matter is insufficient to explain the anomaly. In this paper I present a theory that looks into the actual reason for causing the mass discrepancy within galaxy clusters without involving dark matter.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1003107 fatcat:jqc2pceywvguxfqxj7sdhxjtmy