DIS Polarized Structure Functions at small x

Mario Greco
2007 Proceedings of Diffraction 06, International Workshop on Diffraction in High-Energy Physics — PoS(DIFF2006)   unpublished
Explicit expressions for the non-singlet and singlet spin-dependent structure function g 1 in the small-x region are obtained. They include the total resummation of the double-and single-logarithms of x and account for the running QCD coupling α s effects. Both the non-singlet and singlet structure functions are Regge behaved asymptotically, with the intercepts predicted in agreement with experiments. A detailed comparison with the DGLAP evolution equations for different values of x and Q 2 is
more » ... erformed. The role played by singular terms in DGLAP fits for the initial quark densities is discussed and explicitly shown to mimic the resummation of leading logarithms at small-x. Finally, explicit expressions for the singlet g 1 at small x and small Q 2 are obtained with the total resummation of the leading logarithmic contributions. It is shown that g 1 practically does not depend on x in this kinematic region.
doi:10.22323/1.035.0036 fatcat:of5czdbu3bhcfkf5xiovdydbta