All-Fiber Gas Cavity Based on Anti-Resonant Hollow-Core Fibers Fabricated by Splicing with End Caps

Jing Shi, Xinyu Ye, Yulong Cui, Wei Huang, Hao Li, Zhiyue Zhou, Meng Wang, Zilun Chen, Zefeng Wang
2021 Photonics  
In recent years, fiber gas lasers have obtained a rapid development, however, efficient and stable pump coupling is a key limitation for their applications in the future. Here, we report an all-fiber gas cavity based on anti-resonant hollow-core fibers which have the beneficial properties of adjustable broad transmission bands and potential low transmission attenuation, especially in the mid-infrared. This kind of all-fiber gas cavity is fabricated by directly splicing with end caps at both
more » ... for the first time. The high-power laser transmission characteristics were studied, and the experimental results show that the all-fiber gas cavities have a very stable performance. The maximum input laser power at 1080 nm is about 260 W, and the output power is 203 W, giving a total transmission efficiency of 78.1%. This work opens a new opportunity for the development of high-power all-fiber structured fiber gas lasers.
doi:10.3390/photonics8090371 fatcat:e5lvzou32zab3aqr6pbsokby3u