A Representation of Time Series for Temporal Web Mining

Mireille Samia
2004 Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken  
Data with temporal information is constantly generated, sampled, gathered, and analyzed in different domains, such as medicine, finance, engineering, environmental sciences, and earth sciences. Temporal Web mining extends temporal data mining and Web mining, and concerns the Web mining of data with significant temporal information. Its main goal is to query local and Web data in real time, analyze these temporal sequences in order to discover previously unknown important temporal information.
more » ... ing temporal data as temporal sequences without any preprocessing fails to extract key features of this data. For this reason, before applying mining techniques, an appropriate representation of temporal sequences is needed. This paper emphasizes on the representation of time series for temporal Web mining.
dblp:conf/gvd/Samia04 fatcat:oturvxjxord2fbexvewsr24rti