Performance Analysis of Adaptive OFDM Systems using Adaptive Equalizer
적응 등화기를 이용한 적응 OFDM 시스템 성능분석

Heau-Jo Kang
2011 Journal of Digital Contents Society  
In this paper, the performance of OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) was assessed by using computer simulations performed using Matlab. We analyzed channel estimation algorithm for adaptive modulation techniques and effect of system using designed simulator in Multimedia wireless communication multipath fading channel environment. Also, we analyzed performance of adaptive OFDM systems that apply adaptive equalizer using guided result through BER. In result, in case of adaptive
more » ... ulation OFDM systems that modulation mode changes according to channel state, we knew that adaptive modulation OFDM systems have gains of about 7dB performance than general system (BER=   ). Thus we know that adaptive OFDM propose systems is required for efficient transmission in the high speed Multimedia wireless communication channel environment.
doi:10.9728/dcs.2011.12.3.355 fatcat:4z2kultfqfby7mf2mo2x4tptce