A New Powerful Scalable Generic Multi-Standard LDPC Decoder Architecture

François Charot, Christophe Wolinski, Nicolas Fau, François Hamon
2008 2008 16th International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines  
We propose a new powerful scalable generic parallel and modular architecture well suited to LDPC code decoding. This architecture template has been instantiated in the case of the 802.16e WiMax standard. The proposed design is fully compliant with all the code classes defined by the standard. It has been validated through an implementation on a Xilinx Virtex5 FPGA component. A four or six-module FPGA design yields a throughput ranging from 10 to 30 Mbit/s by means of 20 iterations at a clock
more » ... quency of 160 MHz which mostly satisfies communication throughput in the case of the WiMax Mobile communication. 16th International Symposium on FieldProgrammable Custom Computing Machines 9780769533070/08 $25.00
doi:10.1109/fccm.2008.13 dblp:conf/fccm/CharotWFH08 fatcat:e2hf4mott5c2zabk4htmnnemai