Urachal adenocarcinoma: a rare clinical presentation

Julia Pastorello, Emanuela Lando, Marina Ractz Bueno, Camila Dos Santos do Amaral, Cristiane Pagnussat Cechetti
2021 Brazilian Journal of Case Reports  
Urachal tumor is extremely rare, since it is responsible for about 0.01% of all neoplasms already repeated in the history of clinical oncology, with the adenocarcinoma subtype being the most prevalent. Thus, the present work aims to report a case of a 55-year-old patient diagnosed with urachal tumor, relating the clinical presentation of the case according to current literary data. It was possible to show that such a diagnosis, as well as the institution of a standard treatment, is still a clinical challenge in modern medical practice.
doi:10.52600/2763-583x.bjcr.2021.1.3.59-65 fatcat:2yloqomjx5dozmdp4fowmn3fda