The Information Analysis of the Sedimentary Facies in the Kazusa Group, Boso Peninsula, Japan
房総半島, 上総層群における堆積相の情報解析

The vertical transition between the lithologic facies was treated as the Markov process to interpret the time-spatial change of the sedimentary sequences. An entropy analysis was conducted using the transition probability matrices of the sedimentary facies indicating the Markov process observed in the Kazusa Group, Boso Peninsula. The entropy, indicating the extent of randomness, is divided into D1-component, the amount of the difference from the state of equal probability and D2-component,
more » ... of independence (Gatlin, 1972). A cluster analysis on turbidites of the Kazusa Group was also conducted using the transition probability matrices of the subdivision•ga•hto•ge•hof the Bouma sequence. According to the entropy and cluster analyses, it is clear that the model of sedimentary environments (Katsura, 1984) is fully supported. Especially, it was confirmed that there is difference in the succession of turbidites between•gUpper fan•h with braided-channel and•gMid-Lower fan•hwith distributary-channel. And further, it is suggested that erosion and resedimentation by contour currents (Ito and Aoki, 1995) affected the sedimentation in •g Slope•hand•gBasin Plain•h.
doi:10.6010/geoinformatics1990.6.4_177 fatcat:ojvnzlpyybfrvhtdm533rrzxwe