Triplet Pair Correlations ins-Wave Superfluids as a Signature of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov State

I. Zapata, F. Sols, E. Demler
2012 Physical Review Letters  
We show that triplet pairing correlations are generated in purely s-waves superfluids whenever population imbalance enforces anisotropic Fulde-Ferrell (FF) or inhomogeneous Larkin-Ovchinikov (LO) states. The same set of quasiparticle states contributes to the triplet component and to the polarization, thus spatially correlating them. In the LO case, this set forms a narrow band of Andreev states centered on the nodes of the s-wave order parameter. This picture naturally provides a unifying
more » ... nation of previous findings that attractive p-wave interaction stabilizes FFLO states. We also study a similar triplet mixing which occurs when a balanced two-component system displays FFLO type oscillations due to a spin-dependent optical lattice. We discuss how this triplet component can be measured in systems of ultra-cold atoms using a rapid ramp across a p-wave Feshbach resonance. This should provide a smoking gun signature of FFLO states.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.109.155304 pmid:23102326 fatcat:ooxn34awi5deldgywy3wgyvfg4