Fabrication of one-dimensional devices by a combination of AC dielectrophoresis and electrochemical deposition

S H Hong, M G Kang, H-Y Cha, M H Son, J S Hwang, H J Lee, S H Sull, S W Hwang, D Whang, D Ahn
2008 Nanotechnology  
We demonstrate a hybrid process for fabricating one-dimensional wire devices. The process is a combination of an alignment procedure using dielectrophoresis and subsequent contact metal formation utilizing electrochemical deposition with non-toxic organic-based Au electrolytes. Several devices have been successfully made from GaN nanowires or multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) using our hybrid technique. We demonstrate that rapid thermal annealing improves the ohmic characteristics by five
more » ... rders of magnitude in the case of the GaN devices and ∼300% in the case of the MWCNT devices. One of the reasons for this improvement is enhanced gold wetting due to the reduction of grain size at the annealing temperature.
doi:10.1088/0957-4484/19/10/105305 pmid:21817698 fatcat:csiwtvwdufd7nopmzmtpnat3b4