Clinical features and prognostic factors of early breast cancer at a major cancer center in North India

Vinod Raina, Manisha Bhutani, Rajeev Bedi, Atul Sharma, SuryanarayanaV.S Deo, NootanK Shukla, BidhuKalyan Mohanti, GouraK Rath
2005 Indian Journal of Cancer  
Breast cancer, in India, is the second most cancer in females. Hormone receptor status with ER/PR is now routinely done in patients with invasive carcinoma. We have done single institutional retrospective study with the aim to evaluate the ER, PR receptors in invasive breast carcinomas patients in central India. Methodology: This retrospective study was done on breast carcinoma patients coming to Sri Aurobindo institute of medical sciences, Indore. Data were collective from medical records of
more » ... east carcinoma patients from January 2013 to may 2016.Total 149 cases of histopathologically diagnosed carcinoma breast were registered out of which 144 patients with different histology's were evaluated taking into account various parameters like age, sex ,histology, stage, background ,menstrual status, hormone receptor status. Results: Out of 149 patients registered 144 patient's data were available for hormone receptors status. The age range was 25-85 years with a median of 53 years. Out of 144 patients, 78 percent were of invasive ductal carcinoma and 16 percent were of invasive lobular carcinoma. Our data showed total 39 percent patients were positive with both ER and PR(ER+PR+) and 44% patients were negative for both ER and PR(ER-PR-). Overall ER+ was 54% and PR+ was 44%. Out of total 80 hormone positive patients 28 % were only ER positive and 2.5% were only PR positive. Conclusion: Hormone receptor positive status is low compared to western population and comparable with other Indian population studies.
doi:10.4103/0019-509x.15099 fatcat:kmkjwyk5evhg5fkzxkjavvtypq