Constructing of Filter Part in Liquid Electrostatic Experimental Equipment

Teng Xu, Hua Xie, Guowei Zhao
2015 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems (ICMEIS 2015)   unpublished
During the transmission and application of refined petroleum products, electrostatic accidents often happen. When speed of electrostatic accumulation is faster than speed of electrostatic dissipation, and this can cause electrostatic accumulation in petroleum. Static test is needed in order to grasp the law of electrostatic electrification and determine the risk of electrostatic discharge. Static test is not only an integral part of electrostatic protection engineering, but also the basis of
more » ... ctrostatic protective design and management. The liquid electrostatic filter in the test device was designed, which to produce more of the electrostatic charge, according to the requirement of the static test.
doi:10.2991/icmeis-15.2015.26 fatcat:h3biod2n35hpbmlli3cizsx2bm