Retinal relaxation following membrane peeling: Effect on vision, central macular thickness, and vector analysis of motion [post]

2019 unpublished
Purpose: Removal of an epiretinal membrane (ERM) leads to the outward displacement of retinal vessels and visual improvement. The direction and extent of displacement in the form of a vector analysis over the posterior pole can provide a better understanding of the dynamics and duration of this process, while the magnitude might have implications in terms of visual outcome. Methods: Scanning laser ophthalmoscope images of the retina of eyes undergoing ERM peeling were compared before and 6
more » ... s after surgery. Stratification was made between prominent and limited displacement, with assessment of visual acuity (VA), and central macular thickness (CMT). In three
doi:10.21203/rs.2.9163/v3 fatcat:bhrgflknbfglniwryhgow5v6tm