Nanaimo Free Press [Thursday, July 26, 1894] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
Only Seven. a^You have only seven days to get what goods you want at Sale i»rioes After 31st July we shall discontinue giving stuff at the prices at which our goods are now listed. . *. . . . -, 0^Is there anything in Dry Ghwds you require? If so, get your list made out at once. , . . , , , 18 WALTER WBLLKAI LOST 7 Antis BUppsn Fear for the Safety sf the Polar Expedttieivalru nooterf Oa^ J^Bnanreoaehi tS?l£(*Jarl hi5 hiSî
doi:10.25316/ir-12011 fatcat:q76homckuzdmdhwvlqgg23fbqe