Construction on e-learning Platform of Smart Phone Environment
스마트폰 환경에서의 e-learning 플랫폼의 구축

Sung-Bae Pyo
2012 Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information  
In recent years, a variety of learning content construction utilizing the smart phone is coming. In this paper, we investigate on overall trends and movements in e-learning performance at University. And system developed a e-learning platform consisting of smart phone portal, learning management system(LMS), and learning content management system(LCMS). Throughout the experiment, each of the components of the e-learning were implemented. LMS was implemented more efficiently using a user profile evaluation system for qualification.
doi:10.9708/jksci/2012.17.11.125 fatcat:fngltxh4ezb75kkwunu6cgn74e