Social media buzz created by #nanotechnology: insights from Twitter analytics

Prabhsimran Singh, Karanjeet Singh Kahlon, Ravinder Singh Sawhney, Rajan Vohra, Sukhmanjit Kaur
2018 Nanotechnology Reviews  
The word "nanotechnology" has been exaggerated not only by media but also by scientist groups who have overstated the unforeseen benefits of nanotechnology to validate research funding. Even ecologists, who normally remain indulged in doom-and-gloom divinations, use this word to fuel their own motives. Such outcomes lead to widespread misinformation and an unaware public. This research work is a staunch effort to filter the Twitter-based public opinions related to this word. Our results clearly
more » ... indicate more of positive sentiments attached to the subject of nanotechnology, as trust, anticipation and joy overweigh by many folds the anger, mistrust and anger related to nanotechnology.
doi:10.1515/ntrev-2018-0053 fatcat:nxjvyaginjfnnopsm6c4gpywle