RhizoVision Crown: An Integrated Hardware and Software Platform for Root Crown Phenotyping [article]

Anand Seethepalli, Haichao Guo, Xiuwei Liu, Marcus Griffiths, Hussien Almtarfi, Zenglu Li, Shuyu Liu, Alina Zare, Felix Fritschi, Elison Blancaflor, Xuefeng Ma, Larry M. York
2019 bioRxiv   pre-print
Root crown phenotyping measures the top portion of crop root systems and can be used for marker-assisted breeding, genetic mapping, and understanding how roots influence soil resource acquisition. Several imaging protocols and image analysis programs exist, but they are not optimized for high-throughput, repeatable, and robust root crown phenotyping. The RhizoVision Crown platform integrates an imaging unit, image capture software, and image analysis software that are optimized for reliable
more » ... action of measurements from large numbers of root crowns. The hardware platform utilizes a back light and a monochrome machine vision camera to capture root crown silhouettes. RhizoVision Imager and RhizoVision Analyzer are free, open-source software that streamline image acquisition and image analysis with intuitive graphical user interfaces. RhizoVision Analyzer was physically calibrated using copper wire and extensively validated with 10,464 ground-truth simulated images of dicot and monocot root systems. The entire platform was further validated by phenotyping 6,256 root crowns from field-grown wheat and soybean populations, and linear discriminant analysis accurately classified the root crowns using the multivariate measurements. Overall, the integrated RhizoVision Crown platform facilitates state-of-the-art phenotyping of crop root crowns, and sets a standard for which open plant phenotyping platforms broadly can be benchmarked.
doi:10.1101/569707 fatcat:7ioffxy2c5aojfh5u63stzzrtm