Online Determination of Credit Score (PAK) Application Functional Teachers

Rika Melyanti, Muhammad Giatman, Riri Mayliza
2021 Regular Issue  
Determination of Teacher Credit Numbers (PAK) is proposed by the teacher, which are evaluated and evaluated by the Assessment Team. Calculation of credit numbers in PAK still uses manual methods using Microsoft Excel for inputting and Microsoft results as reports, errors in input such as typos and risk of accidental deletion of data still occur frequently. The DUPAK report that will be input into the PAK system is also still waiting for the Assessment Team to send the file to the Pelalawan
more » ... cy Education Office so that it takes more time to complete the functional teacher promotion report. To overcome this problem, the credit score calculation process is fast and accurate. A new web-based system, which includes all the elements that are valued by credit numbers. In the old system procedure and the new system it is not much different, the fundamental difference between the new system uses a web-based computer technology in data management that can shorten the data entry process and can overcome the obstacles of the old system.
doi:10.35940/ijmh.f1238.035721 fatcat:obyfvnmibjaerek2wrmrso45uy