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Gnana Prakash
2022 Future Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Health Sciences  
Since ancient times medicinal plants have been used as therapeutic agents for the treatment of various diseases because they possess various bioactive components that promote the health of humans with minimal side effects. WHO reveals that 80% of the world's population depends on traditional medicine and China uses up to 50% of medicines as traditional medicine. Modern research acknowledged the importance of using various medicinal systems like Siddha, Ayurveda, and Unani in India and also acts
more » ... as the vital sources for new drugs. As global warming is showing its negative effects there may be the loss of plant productivity due to high temperatures and severe drought conditions that affect global food security. Hence this review focused on a Xerophilous crop that was well adapted to severe drought and high temperatures namely Caper (Capparis spinosa L.) The review also focuses on the recent literature on phytochemical composition and pharmacological effects of Caper.
doi:10.26452/fjphs.v2i1.165 fatcat:nle64svdkzbz5lewayb2xlxxl4