Optimizing Additive Approximations of Non-additive Distortion Functions

Solène Bernard, Patrick Bas, Tomáš Pevný, John Klein
2021 Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security  
The progress in steganography is hampered by a gap between nonadditive distortion functions, which capture well complex dependencies in natural images, and their additive counterparts, which are efficient for data embedding. This paper proposes a theoretically justified method to approximate the former by the latter. The proposed method, called Backpack (for BACKPropagable AttaCK), combines new results in the approximation of gradients of discrete distributions with a gradient of implicit
more » ... ons in order to derive a gradient w.r.t. the distortion of each JPEG coefficient. Backpack combined with the min max iterative protocol leads to a very secure steganographic algorithm. For example, the error rate of XuNet on 512 × 512 JPEG images, compressed with quality factor 100 and a payload of 0.4 bits per non-zero AC coefficient is 37.3% with Backpack, compared to a 26.5% error rate using ADV-EMB with min max protocol (considered state of the art in this work) and a 16.9% error rate with J-UNIWARD.
doi:10.1145/3437880.3460407 fatcat:nntkp52j3bhaxnwj5jm2ayi3iu