Metagenomic characterization of soil microbial communities in the Luquillo experimental forest (Puerto Rico) and implications for nitrogen cycling [article]

Smruthi Karthikeyan, Luis Humberto Orellana, Eric R. Johnston, Janet Hatt, Frank E Löffler, Hector Ayala-del-Río, Grizelle Gonzalez, Konstantinos T Konstantinidis
2020 bioRxiv   pre-print
The phylogenetic and functional diversity of microbial communities in tropical rainforests, and how these differ from temperate communities remain poorly described but are directly related to the increased fluxes of greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide (N2O) from the tropics. Towards closing these knowledge gaps, we analyzed replicated shotgun metagenomes representing distinct life zones from four locations in the Luquillo Experimental Forest (LEF), Puerto Rico. These soils had a distinct
more » ... obial community composition and lower species diversity when compared to temperate grasslands or agricultural soils. Unlike temperate soils, LEF soils showed little stratification with depth in the first 0-30cm, with ~45% of community composition differences explained solely by location. The relative abundances and nucleotide sequences of N2O reductases (nosZ) were highly similar between tropical forest and temperate soils. However, respiratory NO reductase (norB) was 2-fold more abundant in the tropical soils, which might be relatable to their greater N2O emissions. Nitrogen fixation (nifH) also showed higher relative abundance in rainforest compared to temperate soils (20% vs. 0.1-0.3% of bacterial genomes in each soil type harbored the gene, respectively). Collectively, these results advance our understanding of spatial diversity and metabolic repertoire of tropical rainforest soil communities, and should facilitate future ecological modeling efforts.
doi:10.1101/2020.06.15.153866 fatcat:bovkw4vqjfcpfimu3duprhtjzi