大規模団地における居住者の環境・防災意識に関する調査研究 (第3報)調査概要及び丘陵地域の調査結果
A study on resident's awareness of environment and disaster prevention in large-scale housing estate Part 3 Outline of the study and report the results of the hilly area

尾神 充倫, 大塚 雅之, 秋山 和也, 新明 加奈子
2014 Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan  
This study discusses the resident's awareness of environment and disaster prevention in large-scale housing estate. The first paper (Part1) focused on the outline of study and grasping the resident's characteristics. Based on the result of the first paper, the second paper (Part2) clarified the relationship between the age range and awareness of environment and disaster prevention. From the above results, this paper described the survey result of the next new large-scale housing estates, that
more » ... re located the seaside area and hillside area in Kanagawa Prefecture.
doi:10.18948/shasetaikai.2014.10.0_113 fatcat:bshbidrt2vgqvjvvh3bs2dxige