Using SWMM EXTRAN to Simulate WWTP Hydraulics

Derek Wride, Carl C. Chan, Ben Gamble, Joseph Koran, Susan Moisio
2004 Journal of Water Management Modeling  
SWMM EXTRAN has been successfully deployed to simulate wastewater treatment plant hydraulics at the seven major wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) owned and operated by the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (MSDGC). An approximate 42,000-node SWMM model has been built and calibrated to represent the system wide wastewater collection system in Hamilton County, Ohio. Without the treatment plant hydraulics included, collection system boundary conditions are typically fixed or
more » ... sented as a simplified time-variable tailwater. By including the WWTP hydraulics, the downstream boundary condition has been effectively moved to the plant outfalls and the WWTP facilities have been simulated as model components. Including WWTP hydraulics allows for a more integrated understanding of wastewater system performance during wet-weather conditions. This chapter presents the methods that were used to represent the WWTP facilities in EXTRAN and to successfully simulate the WWTP hydraulics.
doi:10.14796/jwmm.r220-11 fatcat:3rxwbepr7nc2tjh5cbjh6cmhn4