V.S. Shcherbyna, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, V.V. Bodnar, Northern Economic Court of Appeal, Kyiv, Ukraine
2021 Економіка та право  
The issues of organizational changes that the courts of appellate instance have undergone, as well as the content of the norms of economic procedural legislation, which enshrine the features of appellate proceedings. The peculiarities of appellate proceedings as an independent stage of economic litigation are considered, which include the following: a) an appeal is filed against a decision of a court of first instance that has not entered into force; b) review of court decisions on appeal is
more » ... ried out by the courts of appeal; c) the right to appeal has the participants, as well as persons who did not participate in the case, if the court has decided on their rights, interests and (or) responsibilities; d) the appeal is filed directly with the court of appeal; e) the subject of review of the case by the court of appellate instance is the verification of the legality and validity of the decision of the court of first instance; f) the limits of review of the case in the court of appeal, as a rule, are limited by the arguments and requirements of the appeal; g) in the court of appellate instance cases are reviewed according to the rules of consideration of cases in the order of simplified claim proceedings, taking into account the features provided by the Code. It is proposed in order to avoid (reduce) cases of unfounded filing of appeals to supplement Art. 254 Code of Economic Procedure of Ukraine norm on the grounds of appeal of court decisions such as defined in Part 2 of Art. 287 of the Code of Economic Procedure of Ukraine on the grounds of cassation appeal. It is noted that the current version of the Code of Economic Procedure of Ukraine does not contain rules that would determine what procedural actions and within what period the appellate court should take to recover the case from the court of first instance, and during what period the court of first instance should consider the case her appellate court. Arguments are made against the use by courts of the so-called "procedural analogy" in cases. Other proposals are being made to improve the current procedural legislation.
doi:10.15407/econlaw.2021.01.003 fatcat:jr2wk5zkdzelvc2rtvrmyndv2i