Two-photon excitation-ionization of the 1s shell of highly charged positive atomic ions

S A Novikov, A N Hopersky
2001 Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics  
The non-relativistic absolute values and shapes of the cross sections for the process of two-photon one-electron excitation-ionization of the 1s-shell of highly charged positive atomic ions Ne 6+ and Ne 8+ are calculated using secondorder quantum-mechanical perturbation theory, taking into account the manyparticle effect of relaxation of the ion residue in the field of the virtual vacancies created. The many-particle effect of stabilization of the deep vacancy when changing target from the
more » ... al atom to the highly charged positive ions is also taken into account. The calculations are fulfilled for both linearly and circularly polarized incident photons.
doi:10.1088/0953-4075/34/23/327 fatcat:uij67whdr5cftlu6uc2jgjwdrq