Do People Overestimate Their Information Literacy Skills? A Systematic Review of Empirical Evidence on the Dunning-Kruger Effect

Khalid Mahmood
2016 Communications in Information Literacy  
This systematic review has analyzed 53 English language studies that assessed and compared peoples' self-reported and demonstrated information literacy (IL) skills. The objective was to collect empirical evidence on the existence of Dunning-Kruger Effect in the area of information literacy. The findings clearly show that this theory works in this area. It is concluded that there is no calibration in peoples' perceived and actual IL skills; in most cases low-performers overestimate their skills
more » ... n self-assessments. The findings have theoretical and practical implications for librarians and IL educators. Keywords: information literacy; assessment; Dunning-Kruger Effect Mahmood, K. Do people overestimate their information literacy skills? A systematic review of empirical evidence on the Dunning-Kruger effect. Communications in Information Literacy, 10(2), 198-213.
doi:10.15760/comminfolit.2016.10.2.24 fatcat:5funqfkjfjctjoixzqzvwiibwe