Cost Effectiveness of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 for the State of Idaho [report]

Philip R. Hart, Rahul A. Athalye, YuLong Xie, Jing Wei Zhuge, Mark A. Halverson, Susan A. Loper, Michael I. Rosenberg, Eric E. Richman
2015 unpublished
PNNL Pacific Northwest National Laboratory UPV Uniform Present Value SWH Service Water Heating PNNL-25041 Cost-Effectiveness of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 2 State of Idaho Highlights Moving to the ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 (ASHRAE 2013) edition from Standard 90.1-2010 (ASHRAE 2010) is cost-effective for the State of Idaho. The table below shows the state-wide economic impact of upgrading to Standard 90.1-2013 in terms of the annual energy cost savings in dollars per square foot, additional
more » ... uction cost per square foot required by the upgrade, and life-cycle cost (LCC) per square foot. These results are weighted averages for all building types in all climate zones in the state, based on weightings shown in Table 4 . The methodology used for this analysis is consistent with the methodology used in the national cost-effectiveness analysis 1 . Additional results and details on the methodology are presented in the following sections. The report provides analysis of two LCC scenarios:  Scenario 1, representing publicly-owned buildings, considers initial costs, energy costs, maintenance costs, and replacement costs-without borrowing or taxes.  Scenario 2, representing privately-owned buildings, adds borrowing costs and tax impacts. State of Idaho Cost-Effectiveness Results for ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 in Idaho This section summarizes the cost-effectiveness analysis results. Life-Cycle Cost (LCC) savings is the primary measure DOE uses to assess the economic impact of building energy codes. Savings are computed for two scenarios:  Scenario 1 (publicly-owned) includes costs for initial equipment and construction, energy, maintenance and replacement and does not include loans or taxes.
doi:10.2172/1334016 fatcat:e4xa7ykeyzhx3mogugzrjkeiyy