(Non)Human Alterities in Postmodern Novels about Metamorphoses (Will Self and Marie Darrieussecq Follow in the Satirical Footsteps of Apuleius)

Ruxandra Cesereanu
2020 Caietele Echinox  
This essay examines the idea of otherness as it appears expressed, with all its experimental nuances and singularities, in two postmodern novels authored by Will Self (Cock and Bull) and Marie Darrieussecq (Pig Tales: A Novel of Lust and Transformation). Following in the footsteps of Apuleius, but also paying heed to the offshoots of the metamorphosis theme in the works of Homer or, more recently, of Franz Kafka and George Orwell, the two authors analyzed here give original spins to a topic
more » ... problematizes not only the possibility of (self-)transformation, but also the idea of monstrous otherness.
doi:10.24193/cechinox.2019.37.19 fatcat:youmbx4ltbfnfcolju6ucm62mm