Password-Only Authenticated Key Exchange Using Distributed Server

N Narmadha, S Rajathi
2014 International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology  
Authentication using Passwordauthenticated key exchange using distributed server (PAKEUDE) is done where a cryptographic key -exchange of messages. Database of all passwords to authenticate clients are stored in a distributed server. If the server is compromised, the attacker cannot act like a client with the information from the compromised server. Solution produced for distributed-server PAKE is by having parallel two peer servers which have equal contribution to authentication or asymmetric
more » ... olution for distributed-server PAKE, where the client can establish different cryptographic key with the control server.
doi:10.14445/22312803/ijctt-v9p158 fatcat:ysc42tgfe5dczhcmvoryl3fhwi